Kristen Kay Snyder

What an amazing friend you have been. I have loved the opportunity to do life with you these last 5 years. You have been such an integral part of my story during my time here at GCU. I don't know what I would have done many days without your office dance parties, crazy jokes, and random lip syncing. Your constant enthusiasm for life has brightened my heart and the hearts of others in the office. You bring joy to the lives of those who have the privilege of being in your life.

I have loved having the opportunity to watch you grow into the freedom of knowing who you are in Jesus. You have grown so much in trusting Jesus with who He says you are and finding your identity in Him.

Words cannot adequately communicate the tremendous impact your life has had in the lives of my family. I am proud to call you my friend!

Jill, Huntington, and I will miss you greatly my friend!



Kristen said...

Oh gosh...yep..crying.

Thanks, friend. I am, for once!!!, at a loss for words.
I will, though, try to find them before I leave. Can't wait for you guys to visit me...look out Rome!!!

I love you guys!!

April 24, 2009 at 5:49 PM